Daniel's ramblings
Blog redesigned.
ghost-blog designWe stand on the shoulder of giants. It is with great pleasure on my end that I announce a redesign of my blog. This would not have happened without these resources:
Tutorial for making Ghost themes from [semi-]scratch: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/series/building-a-ghost-theme-from-scratch--webdesign-16179
Amazing and coherent documentation for CSS Flexbox: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
Implementation of Disqus with working comment count for index.hbs: http://ghost.centminmod.com/ghost-posts-with-faster-disqus-load-speed/
CSS to manipulate fluid images/videos: http://demosthenes.info/blog/586/CSS-Fluid-Image-Techniques-for-Responsive-Site-Design
and of course Ghost documentation to fill in the gaps I couldn't make sense: http://themes.ghost.org/v0.5.10/docs/about
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